
The Funny Characters Are Back

Hip hip hooray! The funny characters from Ice Age Two are about to hit the theaters again. Which was your favorite species? I loved the two buzzards up in the tree yakking as the rest of the animals past by. Do you remember their one-liners? Here are a few of them that just crack me up!

Traffic Vulture: [giving "traffic report"]

We've got an overturned animal in the far right lane, traffic backed up as far as the eye can see.

Lone Gunslinger Vulture:
Ooh, and it looks as though there may be a fatality!
Lone Gunslinger Vulture: [pause]
I call the dark meat!

Here's a fun book to see,
Click picture.

I Sell Endangered Species Kids Books
(Awareness Equals Change)

This is so cool for your kids. I've located over 800 books about endangered species for your kids that love to learn wild animal facts. Your kids can go exploring. Amazon has some wonderful 5 star books with great reviews. To see all the books, click link below, thanks.

Just Type The Species In.

Here's another funny crack up one- liner. Man, what great writing.

Fast Tony:
It's all part of my accu-weather forecast. The five-day outlook is calling for intense flooding followed by... the end of the world! And a slight chance of patchy sunshine later in the week.
Lone Gunslinger Vulture:
There is some good news, though. The more of you die, the better I eat. I didn't say it was good news for you. Ha, ha, how funny is that?

I want to switch now to I.R.L. "In Real Life." Let's sedge way into the species that are living on our planet. Here's a clue, they have big tail, with a bunch of fins. Ding, you got it, it's the shark.

Please Click The Spinning Shark And Sign
This Petition.

Extinction of this species is happening quickly. The precious shark has to be a concern for all of humanity! Why? More then 70 to 100 million are being plucked from the ocean a year to shark fin soup. I about fell over when I read that. And what did I do? I wrote our president, and number of other leaders. Will you please do the same? You'll be making a huge contribution for the planet. We have to stop this trend, or the shark will be one of the characters in the next Ice Age movie for real! Gosh, their beautiful, aren't they?

I know this wild animal doesn't exist, or does it? Some have reported numerous sightings. It's been said they went extinct in 1936.

Do you know what this is? It’s called a Thylacine from Australia. As you know, there's something that can be learned from extinction. First of all, when a species goes extinct, it's permanent.

Quite a strange name, and what does Thylacine mean? In Latin, it means,"Wolf headed pouch dog." A dog that has a pouch, can you believe that?

Back to our regularly scheduled program. So, the Thylacine was eating the Farmers cattle, so they just decided to eliminate them. And now, they’re extinct. Or are they? There are places on the net that have reported sightings that this dog still exists.

Another living species in America you know is the wolf. They get in trouble for eating Farmers cattle. Thank goodness for the organizations that want to see the wolf, and the people that live with them continue to thrive.

According to the I.U.C.N. 16,928 species are endangered to becoming extinct. I read this statistic on line, and said, "Man, I have to do something!" But what? That is when I decided to launch a web site called, RaceToSaveTheRaces

When You Buy Books From Me, Your Helping With My Websites, and Promote Awareness For The Species On the Planet. Thank You.

Scott Bright


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